Thursday, April 7, 2011

Water Blessings

There is no doubt in my mind I have a water baby. He loves the tub and aside from that, I often put his hands or feet in running water to soothe him when he's upset. I didn't realize how much he loved whatever until I bathed with him today. I know, dangerous, right? I debated writing about this because I didn't want to get any "bad" mama flack for putting my 4 month old in a tub filled with water, but this experience with him was to amazing and special. I have to write it out.

If I drove to the coast right now and threw Risto into the raging ocean waters ( I promise I wont), he'd survive better then I ever could. I don't think I've ever enjoyed water so much in my life. But water with Risto is such a blessing. I originally had him on his back because I didn't want his face to close to swallowing bath water, as he undoubtedly peed in there numerous times. He wasn't having it. He rolled (almost out of my arms) onto his tummy and started kicking like his life, literally, depending on it. Arms going, feet going and his floppy little boy business swinging with the waves. I smile thinking of it.

Now this wasn't a 100% positive experience. No not because of all the baby urine, but because stupid me put bubbles in the bath so ever major swim move was greeted with a happy bubble chin faced little boy. He's probably the only baby I know of who doesn't mind water in his face and eyes. He thrives off it. Ok... I may have fibbed a bit here, there was a TINY bit of bubbles that got in his mouth, but he didn't seem to mind (terribly).

I gotta admit my arm and back hurt from the experience, but man was the work worth it! If you're brave enough, take a tub with your water baby. I did run a poop risk since he hadn't gone for his afternoon expulsion yet, so take that into consideration and enjoy!

Thanks Lord for my sweet water baby

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