Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spanx and Poop

Oh, Spanx. What was my life before I knew you?? You've come into my life at a time when my body is less then perfect and you've helped suck my fat rolls into jeans that don't have an expandable waist band. And just when I thought this relationship couldn't get any better, you protected my legs from the gift of a massive blow out during a church service from my darling son. You selflessly sacrificed yourself to make my ride home just a tad bit more bearable, and I thank you for it.

Seriously... my son had the WORST blow out during church today. I sort of thought he was getting sick again while I got him dressed, but wasn't expecting to have to leave church early! And oh man the looks you get walking through church with poop literally all over you and your child! Once Trevor and I got into the hallway, I BUSTED a gut! It was a pretty funny site, especially since I was holding him away from my body (in an effort to keep from getting anymore poop on me). There was no keeping that a secret.

So, tomorrow is my kick off of getting in shape. So as much as I love my Spanx, I'm hoping I can tuck them neatly in a drawer until after my next pregnancy. Cheers to 40 in 4!

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