Monday, March 14, 2011


Lent. Last year I gave up facebook. This year I had planned on giving up red meat until I talked with my dad. He just expressed his thoughts on Lent and what sacrifices should truly be made. He told me that Jesus did on the cross so we could live a life of abundance and nothing we give up for 40 days will compare to what Jesus sacrificed on the cross. Never thought of that before. It's pretty true. What did me giving up facebook really do? And what was me giving up red meat gonna do?? Uh, how's about a whole bucket full of nothing. Seriously? I gave up social networking. How is that glorifying to God's kingdom? It isn't.

My dad suggested a bunch of different things I COULD do that would bring glory to God and His kingdom, while at the same time pushing me to sacrifice more of my time. If you know what's going on in my life right now, you'd know I really don't have the time to squeeze in a shower, let alone giving up the few spare minutes I have in a day (don't worry, I don't stink. I've discovered 7 am, ugh).

I've got a few things in mind. For starters, I joined the campaign 40 Days of Water -
Check it out, it's a great cause. Anyways, I'm doing a couple other things. Mostly "surprises" including 1 I'm pretty pumped about. Gonna sign up to feed the homeless with our church, which will be hard because I have to bring Risto. Also it might be a bit dangerous. I have to call tomorrow and chat with them about it, but I REALLY want to go help out. Can't leave Drool King because he's nursing.

Any who. Really think about the things you're sacrificing. Are they really sacrifices?

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