Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back to Normal

This morning I had one of the best feelings, as a wife, that I've had in quite a while. Went to make a big yummy breakfast and had to hand wash most of my pans/cooking/baking utensils. It was an amazing feeling. Here I am, entertaining my son on the floor, loading a dishwasher then hand washing some things then chopping, stirring, baking and seasoning... all while chatting with my froggy monster (who was happily playing on his floor mat). As far as household tasks are concerned, I'm feeling like my old self.

I haven't had time to write because I've been busy getting back into my new normal. Cooking, cleaning, laundry and now baby. I know this is mega repetitive, but I FEEL GREAT! My home is clean, I have 3 different kind of left overs in the fridge (which means I get a break from making at least one meal today).

The other thing taking up my writing time? My new found love for healthy recipes! I just recently discovered that applesauce can replace veggie oil in recipes and my new bff, flax, can be put literally in anything. I'm already planning Risto's first birthday party (crazy, right.. it's like 8 months away) and I'm very excited to find someone capable of making a whole wheat chocolate cake, complete with applesauce instead of oil and flax in replace of eggs! Theme is in the works, location is TBD and I have a feeling my 5 year wedding anniversary may be taking a financial back seat to this party. Again, I know it's crazy, but I just love this guy that much.

In the meantime (that time BEFORE he turns 1), I'm planning a Dedication Party for my sweet little man. With 3 weeks left, I need to get on it! With the pile of laundry staring me in the face and the fact that I have someplace to be in an hour and a half, I should probably stop pretending I have so much free time (praise the Lord for baby naps!) and do something to myself (definitely still in jammies). Be blessed everyone :)

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