Friday, June 3, 2011

A Discovery Of Sorts

I do not excel at anything

Some of you may be thinking, yeah right.. everyone has something they're superb at. Every one has something to share with the world. I really don't. I'm not fishing for compliments or anything, it's just I never really realized how underwhelming I am as a person until I've witnessed what others are capable of. Be it smarts, fashion, cooking or baking... managing bills or time, organization.. they are capable of not only doing those things, but doing them exceedingly well.

I really am not good at anything

I've gone nearly 25 years being generally mediocre at life, so this truly isn't anything new, it's just that I'm seeing it through fresh eyes. In an attempt to find something, nay ANYTHING, I could be good at, I'm challenging myself. I'll take classes, read books or just do good old fashion trial and error, but I am determined to find something that I can do and do well. So one day I can stand in a crowd and know that there really is something special or interesting about me. A reason to get to know me better.

Let's see.. I'm a decent singer, I can hold my own in the kitchen but nothing to spectacular because I'm impatient, I know how to cruise on a long board. Those are the 3 things that stand out in my mind, so I suppose I'll start there. Maybe I'll try my hand at a fancy meal or re-train my vocals to start singing again. Buying a long board would just be fun, so I may do that anyways, despite the fact that this venture is more about me discovering my hidden talents and charm.

to be continued readers. to be continued

1 comment:

  1. Just remember what you consider yourself mediocre or bad at someone is looking at you as their role model. By putting yourself down you are putting them down. Try to remember where you are today is the best you can be today. Aim for better tomorrow but appreciate where you are today. Just my opinion.
