Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet Thoughts

I was just looking at photo's from one of my favorite Mommy bloggers. Her little one is precious and looks so much like her awesome Mama, it's adorable. They recently made it to the 2 year nursing mark! I keep seeing all of these women in blogs or in real life nursing their toddlers. It's so beautiful. I love it. It warms my heart and I can't wait to nurse Risto for as long as we can. A sweet little 2 year old who is just beginning to form complete sentences or learning how to express themselves without throwing a tantrum still need the loving, nurturing act of nursing. They just do. Seeing babies nurse longer then a year warms my heart!!


  1. Poor Count of Monte Risto. Why the fuck did you have to name him that?

  2. Lol, it holds a lot of meaning for us, and thankfully, no one else's opinion of his name matters. We love the origin, the meaning and it suits him very well :)
